The war memorial “Remember September 1944” on Nassau square in Arnhem (Lombok) has been provided with a so-called QR code. The sign with a special digital code is attached to the fence at the front of the famous monument. Using a telephone, the QR code can be scanned to contact the website of the Airborne Commemoration Arnhem-West, where extensive information can be found about the monument and the annual Airborne commemoration in September. A lot of information can also be found about the events in the Lombok district and the area around Utrechtseweg during the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944.

Each year on the Friday afternoon of the Airborne weekend, a commemoration takes place at the monument “Remember September 1944”, in memory of the fallen British soldiers and the Arnhem civilian victims in the district. This commemoration is an initiative of the Committee Airborne Commemoration Arnhem-West.